President Biden, who ran on a platform of unity, has been labeled as one of the most divisive presidents recently due to his response to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Despite the horrific incident, the current administration received no credit for Trump's survival.
Critics point out that Biden's pleas for unity come too late after years of harsh rhetoric towards Trump, missing opportunities to truly bring the nation together. Suggestions like withdrawing litigation against Trump haven't been heeded, showcasing a lack of good judgment.
Hunter's Point resident comments on Biden's delayed efforts to 'bring down the temperature,' highlighting the immediate antagonism towards 'MAGA extremists' upon assuming office. The sentiment of being 'a day late and a dollar short' is prevalent.
Despite a phone call to check on Trump's well-being post-assassination attempt, Biden's interaction has only improved from 'toxic' to 'good.' Speculation arises about a potential handshake at the next debate, questioning the depth of their improved rapport.