Chuck Schumer's book, "Antisemitism in America: A Warning," explores the complex interplay of antisemitism, particularly focusing on its manifestation within leftist circles under the guise of anti-Zionism. His experiences at Harvard in the late 1960s shaped his understanding of this issue, highlighted by witnessing overt hostility towards Jews during an Israeli delegation visit. Schumer argues that a troubling double standard exists concerning the acceptance of statehood for Jewish people as opposed to others, a theme that is prevalent both historically and in contemporary politics. His book is a timely reflection on rising antisemitism.
At a 1970 campus speech, Abba Eban noted, 'There’s only one people, when they gain statehood, you don’t applaud, you condemn it—and that is the Jewish people.'
Schumer highlighted how left-wing antisemitism often uses anti-Zionism as a disguise, revealing a double standard in societal attitudes towards different nations achieving statehood.