NYT Covers Up the Still-Ongoing Trump-Russian Effort to Frame Joe Biden - emptywheel

The reason I have so little patience for NYT's decision to dedicate the resources of three senior reporters to warn about the dangers of a second Trump term is not that I disagree about the second term. They're right that it would be far worse.
It's that the same reporters continue to downplay Trump's past corruption - some of which Maggie Haberman specifically enabled - and outright ignore the ongoing effects of it.
Imagine how much healthier American democracy would be if the NYT dedicated just half of the time and space that went into the eight, often repetitive stories on this topic to instead lay out how the ongoing effort to impeach Biden is a continuation of Trump's efforts, made with the assistance of men now deemed to be Russian spies by both the US and Ukraine, to frame Joe Biden?
Read at emptywheel