Michael Shear and Reid Epstein Feign Stupidity about Trump's Decade-Long Pitch for Authoritarianism - emptywheel

Epstein is right that Harris was better able to explain the success of Biden's policies, one of two reasons I was pretty sure, from the start, swapping Harris for Biden would be an improvement, justifying the swap.
As it turns out, Ms. Harris is a better salesperson for Mr. Biden's accomplishments and defender of his record than he ever was. Perhaps that's little surprise, given the president's diminished political skills and trouble speaking coherently in recent years.
After demanding it for a month, I get that some outlets need to claim this interview was more useful than it was. But the remarkable thing about NYT's focus on it is they've written two stories substantially about the same thing: The NYT's own month-long campaign to drive Joe Biden from the race.
Having thus maligned Biden, Epstein then claimed that Harris wants to turn the page on both Biden and Trump. He focused on Harris' depiction of her opponent not by name, but time period - the last decade.
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