"When I saw people on the internet praising her last night, even some Republicans, like, Oh, that was a great speech, I thought, have you never actually seen an effective female public speaker?" This statement critiques the perceived enthusiasm over Ocasio-Cortez's style, arguing that it does not constitute effective public speaking.
"That's what AOC was going for. That's what they all go for. They fail. There's only one Barack Obama, there will never be another Barack Obama. I'm sorry, find your own style. You're not good at imitation." Kelly underscores her belief that AOC's speaking style is a poor imitation of Obama, emphasizing the uniqueness of his oratory skills.
"She was a cross between Hilaria, who went to a fancy boarding school in either Boston or Rhode Island, and isn't Spanish at all, and also this guy, you may remember him from World War II as the leader of Italy." This comparison juxtaposes Ocasio-Cortez with figures of disparate backgrounds and ideologies, illustrating Kelly's disdain for her approach.