Largest Union Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

On Friday, at a press conference of labor leaders in front of the White House, United Auto Workers (UAW) Region 9A director Brandon Mancilla announced that the international UAW, meaning the entire union, had joined calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and made plans to investigate its ties to the Israeli military.
This movement includes academic unions, many of whom are part of the UAW. UAW members at Harvard (HGSU-UAW 5118), Columbia (SWC-UAW 2710), and NYU (GSOC-UAW 2110) have been threatened with firing or eviction for pro-Palestine speech in their workplaces, and the struggles on university campuses against this neo-McCarthyism have played a role in catalyzing internal pressure on the UAW International Executive Board (IEB) from rank-and-file UAW members.
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