Fox News Panel Digs Into New Poll Showing Biden Opening Up Six-Point Lead On Trump: Nikki Haley is Beating Joe Biden'

Well, you have, Democrats going back and ultimately voting for Joe Biden when, instead of voting for Nikki Haley. But let's keep this in mind. While polls may show that Nikki Haley is beating Joe Biden. Polls also show that there's not one state where Nikki Haley is beating Donald Trump. And unless she can get the nomination, she doesn't get to take on Joe Biden. And right now, this race, in November, is going to be Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, responded Avella.
How much is it, Fred, making a difference to have the vice president, Kamala Harris, she's not working on some of the things that the president had given her, like the border and all of that effectively. But her messaging on abortion, which is number one in the polling in most accounts for Democrats, particularly Democrat...
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