As Garrett Ziegler was confessing, again, to have accessed a password-protected phone backup (for which Hunter Biden is suing him), he described that this is a photo of a photo in the office of then-still licensed psychiatrist Keith Ablow, which Ablow sent Hunter Biden, explaining that the photo came from an expert carpenter who was trying to kick a coke habit.
Now, perhaps it's a good thing that David Weiss didn't know he was (at least per Ziegler, who - bizarrely - has more credibility than the people who have a stack of warrants and lots more metadata) falsely claiming that this picture depicted cocaine. Perhaps that means he didn't breach Hunter's privileged communications with Ablow and read what the then still-licensed psychiatrist had to say to his client. In the motion to compel to which Hines was responding, Abbe Lowell had claimed that Weiss had not turned over any expert reports.