Do the Democrats Have a Gen Z Problem?

The press release issued by Voters of Tomorrow, a political-advocacy group run by and for young people, was either perfectly pitched or a little too sly: 'Gen Z and National Leaders to Kick Off Voters of Tomorrow Summit, Watergate Hotel's Most Historic Event Ever.'
Many of the teens and twentysomethings coming to the conference likely knew what shenanigans had occurred in Room 214, which is now reservable as the 'Scandal Suite' at a nightly premium.
Voters of Tomorrow's special-projects director, Raghav Joshi, then a rising sophomore at N.Y.U., was the point person for everything logistical-'the designated freak-out guy,' he told me.
Eve Levenson, a V.O.T. board member whose advanced age-she graduated from college in 2022-put her in a mothering role, reminded the room to 'breathe, act, and hydrate.'
Read at The New Yorker