Attorneys often encounter difficulties in receiving payments, a task generally less burdensome for associate lawyers. To improve payment timeliness, firms should simplify payment methods and issue invoices monthly. Some clients prefer to make payments in person, reflecting a desire for personal interaction. While this can be manageable if the client is nearby, it can also be time-consuming for lawyers. Additionally, some clients might make payments incrementally, contributing to accumulating balances over time. Lawyers must navigate these client preferences to maintain positive business relationships.
In recent years, fewer clients mail checks since it is usually easier for clients to initiate bank transfers. However, some clients prefer to pay attorneys by check in person.
Over the years, I have had several clients who prefer to pay for legal services in person. I generally do not mind this arrangement so long as the client is located close to my office.
Clients cannot pay all of their outstanding balance, but they wish to make some payment to a lawyer. Over the course of months or years, clients can accumulate huge balances.
If a client is located near a lawyer, getting paid in person is not a bad arrangement, especially since I have personal experience of checks being lost in the mail.