From Decision To Action: A Step-By-Step Blueprint For General Counsel Implementing An ESG Program

ESG is a rapidly evolving area. We didn't learn about this in law school, and there aren't very many CLEs on the subject. Even if found, a course probably would not cover the practical steps to moving the ball forward on ESG in an organization.
Step 1: Build Executive Buy-In Launching an ESG program necessitates commitment from the top. Build an ESG business case that identifies the benefits of acting now. These could include regulatory compliance, cost savings, competitive positioning, brand, and talent recruitment and retention. You can find more on building a business case in this post. Step 2: Establish Governance ESG is becoming a material risk for companies. Investors expect this risk to be managed appropriately. Train your board and executive team on ESG so that they will be equipped to make decisions and discuss ESG risks with stakeholders. Ensure that both your board and executive team have at least one person with substantial ESG knowledge and allocate leadership roles and responsibilities. Decide whether ESG risks will be overseen by the full board or a subcommittee and establish reporting routines to support this oversight.
Read at Above the Law