4th Circuit upholds $1M sanction for law firm that tried to 'sabotage' federal court's authority

"District courts are not powerless to act in the face of contumacious conduct so expressly designed to undercut, and even sabotage, their adjudicative authority," the 4th Circuit said in an Oct. 24 opinion by Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III, an appointee of former President Ronald Reagan.
"In every practical sense," Wilkinson said, "Napoli asked a state court in New York to overrule a federal district court in Maryland. It is hard to imagine a more flagrant challenge to the district court's authority or a more obvious spur to litigation hither and yon."
"To ask a district court to foresee and expressly prohibit through court order every conceivable abuse of process is to ask it to chase its tail," Wilkinson wrote. "Litigation is complicated enough as it is."
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