The article highlights the ongoing issue of housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, citing a Zillow survey that found 79% have faced unfair treatment. While the real estate community has upheld ethical standards for inclusivity, federal protections have been inconsistent. President Biden's executive order in January 2021 aimed to combat these issues, but protections have since been eroded. The rollback of essential housing rights raises concerns, especially for vulnerable communities without legislative safeguards in 18 states and four territories.
Did you know that 79% of those surveyed by Zillow have experienced unfair housing based simply on their sexual orientation or gender identity?
...our clients, neighbors, and other community members did not necessarily have to live by our code of ethics if they were in one of the 18 states or 4 territories that did not have any protections.
Within weeks of that EO, HUD began to probe unfair housing that excluded based on gender identity and sexual orientation.
Sadly, today, I woke up in an America where we have lost those fair housing federal protections.