A far-right campaign seeks statehouse support to overturn gay marriage

In multiple states, right-wing group MassResistance is trying to challenge the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage from 2015 through resolutions at statehouses. Even though these resolutions can't legally compel a re-evaluation of Obergefell v. Hodges, their introduction indicates that conservative legislators feel empowered by the current political climate. The push comes amid a broader context of increasing public support for same-sex marriages, which has risen to around 70%. Experts believe these actions highlight a significant shift among conservatives, even when their proposals may lack substantial progress of support.
The ongoing resolutions in several states represent a far-right initiative to challenge the 2015 ruling on same-sex marriage, reflecting a shift within conservative circles.
Legal experts note that the introduction of these resolutions signals the boldness of conservative lawmakers in the current political climate under the Trump administration.
Read at Washington Post