"The band wanted to do a taco version of a classic New York city bodega sandwich, which is typically a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich," said Andy Valdez, marketing director for the restaurant, which was founded in Los Angeles in 2013. The new taco is named after the band's most recent album 'The American Dream,' and it's made with bacon, egg, American cheese, Frank's Red Hot sauce and ketchup on a HomeState flour tortilla.
"It’s just a perfect combination of salt and sweetness, salt from the bacon and the hot sauce. It’s just this amazing umami sensation," Valdez said. This taco not only represents the band's unique culinary fusion but also celebrates their musical roots and influences.
"We wanted to combine our love of music and food to support communities," Valdez said. "And also, we had a lot of artists coming to the restaurant naturally, so we were like, there's something there that's really cool and happening so we just put it together," she added.