Trader Joe's produce section garners mixed reviews from customers, particularly on its fruits and vegetables. This article advises on which items to buy and which to avoid. It highlights bagged lettuce as a poor choice, emphasizing that it spoils quickly, often within days, and is pricier due to labor costs. In contrast, purchasing a whole head of lettuce ensures better longevity and freshness. The article encourages shoppers to focus on salads instead of bagged options to avoid disappointment and wasted money.
Bagged lettuce is a hallmark of a bad deal, and Trader Joe's is no exception to that rule.
Generally, because you're paying for the labor that goes into cutting and bagging lettuce, the price of bagged lettuce will also be more expensive.
Bagged lettuce can go bad within just a day or two of buying it, whereas fresh lettuce can last for at least five days when stored properly.
While it's true that Trader Joe's salads are absolutely delicious, the bagged lettuce on its own really isn't worth the money.