Melora Hardin, known for her role in 'The Office', began her acting career at a young age, auditioning for 'Little House on the Prairie' when she was just 9. She cherished her time working with Michael Landon, who fostered a safe and collaborative environment on set. Hardin emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive individuals in the industry, citing her experience with Landon as a significant lesson. She highlights the positive atmosphere on set and the camaraderie among young actors, contrasting it with her experiences with less kind colleagues in the past.
"Michael Landon made everyone feel safe. He trusted in us, and we trusted in him. He was protective of us. And I think that was one of the most important lessons I learned early on [in Hollywood] - surround yourself with the people who make you feel safe."
"I've always said that acting and making movies and TV are one of the greatest team sports around. I believe Michael Landon was my first example of that. It just felt amazing to be around people who made you feel safe to be a fool in front of, to fail in front of."