Benjamin Franklin once said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." To that phrase, I propose we add a third certainty: the Los Angeles Dodgers atop the NL West. The Dodgers have finished the season in first every year since 2013 save one, and that year required everything to go right for the San Francisco Giants; they have won 100 games in each of the last four full seasons, and are on track to at least make a run at the century mark once more.
That being said, despite their great spot in the standings, the Dodgers have been dealing with adversity lately. Mookie Betts fractured his left hand after being hit by a pitch on June 16th, and likely won't return until August. Starting pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto suffered a right rotator cuff strain a week after his 106-pitch start against the Yankees in early June, and although MRIs revealed no tear, he isn't expected back until the second half.