WebAssembly the Safer Alternative to Integrating Native Code in Java

Dynamic linking presents significant challenges in the JVM ecosystem, as it compromises the safety and performance guarantees provided by the JVM, exposing applications to potential security risks and memory-related issues. Developers often rely on this method to integrate essential native code, but it can lead to vulnerabilities that threaten application integrity.
Porting native code to be compliant with the JVM retains numerous benefits such as portability and runtime safety. However, this process is resource-intensive and may slow development due to the complexities involved in translating and adapting existing C codebases to Java environments.
WebAssembly (Wasm) serves as a viable and secure alternative to traditional dynamic linking, allowing developers to run native code in JVM applications without the associated risks. Its sandboxing feature ensures that Wasm code executes in a controlled environment, decreasing the potential for unauthorized system access, which restores some of the security guarantees of the JVM.
By employing tools like Chicory, developers can leverage Wasm-compiled code, such as SQLite, within JVM applications seamlessly. This integration enhances both portability and security, as Wasm's memory model effectively isolates the execution context from the host environment, ensuring improved resource management.
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