Nischal from Scoutbee talked about the data stack, and also an emerging and evolving machine learning stack from the traditional ways of doing machine learning to today, where we actually have an LLM. You can't really attend any ML track without the mention of LLM and ChatGPT.
It dawned on me that has become such a ubiquitous term.
I must have bought about 50 pounds of meat, lamb chops, filet mignon, rib eye, you name it, and I had about a dozen bags. She looked at me and she's smiling, say, 'Are you hosting a barbecue?' I said, 'Yes, I'm hosting a barbecue this weekend.' She turned around and with a wry smile, she said, you might want to ask ChatGPT for a good recipe for a barbecue.
The three elephants, anybody used Hadoop before?