To show or hide a button based on the character count in WordPress, you can modify your `wpse_134143_excerpt_more_link` function. Inside this function, use `strlen()` to check if the excerpt length exceeds 99 characters. If it does, append the button; otherwise, skip adding the button. This approach avoids any CSS pitfalls across different screen sizes, ensuring the button visibility is driven by the content size directly at the server level, providing a clean solution that integrates seamlessly with WordPress' architecture.
To achieve the desired effect of showing or hiding the button based on the character count, PHP can be used directly in the WordPress function.
The character count can be easily checked using strlen() in PHP. If it's more than 100, the button can be appended; otherwise, it should not.
The use of hooks like 'the_excerpt' allows customization of post excerpts, enabling conditional logic to dynamically modify output based on content length.
Ensure the function is properly structured to fit within the WordPress ecosystem, maintaining the integrity of the excerpt display alongside added functionality.