CodeProject.AI Module creation: A full walkthrough in Python

CodeProject.AI Server provides the glue, the infrastructure and the front-end to bundle together whatever AI project you wish to expose to your applications. By creating a simple wrapper for your AI project's code you get a module that has full life cycle management, deployment, updates, and exposure to any application, any language. Your fun console project is now available everywhere.
For our example we'll take a simple Python program that uses PyTorch and the YOLOv8 models to perform object detection. This program we'll use is a single python file that runs on the console using python3 --input test.jpg --assets assets --model yolov8m --threshold 0.6 It will produce output similar to Label confidence bounding box ==================================================== chair 91% (102, 272) - (242, 421) potted plant 88% (9, 226) - (71, 337) chair 72% (235, 203) - (336, 358) laptop 69% (231, 221) - (300, 259) chair 66% (0, 361) - (91, 439)
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