Announcing Graal Cloud Native 4

Graal Cloud Native (GCN) is an Oracle build of the open source Micronaut framework. GCN provides a curated set of Micronaut framework modules that simplify cloud application development, are designed to be compiled ahead-of-time with GraalVM Native Image, and are fully supported by Oracle. GCN enables you to easily build portable cloud native Java microservices that start instantly and use fewer resources to reduce compute costs.
We have a new bill of materials (BOM) 2.0 consisting of specific versions of Micronaut framework 4 modules and their dependencies that are compatible and tested together. This reduces the risk of library incompatibility and version mismatches, and saves you from having to test and figure this out yourself.
GCN 4 is designed and tested to work with Java 17 and later versions. Gradle 8 is the minimum version required to work with GCN 4.
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