"Technology and innovation are today the absolute foundation of the nation's strength and leadership," said Judge Pauline Newman, Circuit Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. "And the patent system is a powerful strength of that system." Judge Newman went on to say that the judiciary's relationship with the administration is integral, particularly concerning the agencies essential to the patent system's functionality, highlighting a crucial interdependency in the legal and innovation sectors.
Andrei Iancu, former Under Secretary of Commerce for IP, emphasized that it's crucial for leaders to ensure a stable, predictable IP system, advocating for fewer fluctuations. "We need to work towards a stronger, more consistent, more predictable intellectual property system, whether it's patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets". This statement encapsulates the necessity for reliability within the IP framework to foster innovation.
David Kappos, also a former Under Secretary of Commerce for IP, pointed out the pressing issue of underappreciation concerning the relationship between strong intellectual property rights and innovation outcomes. Kappos noted that while there's widespread recognition of innovation's importance, the connection between effective IP rights and its successful outcomes needs more focus, stressing the vital role IP plays in driving advancements.