"Most businesses have seen OT and IT develop very separately over the years, so there's little crossover between the two sides - and the gaps in between provide a rich hunting ground for cybercriminals. More and more organizations understand they need to establish a single, comprehensive enterprise-wide security strategy. But combining IT and OT security isn't simple."
"The individual devices that control a manufacturing floor may have been supplemented over time by advances such as Internet of Things (IoT) networks, but the machines themselves could well be running on aging software that is generations behind when it comes to cybersecurity."
"Attacks on OT can be incredibly expensive and difficult to fix, and run the risk of impacting critical national infrastructure causing even higher costs and potential harm to individuals."
"Much of a typical OT infrastructure was never designed with security in mind. Devices can have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, running old operating systems that leave them vulnerable to cyber threats."
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