In February, volunteers came together to move a large collection of 16mm films from the late Dennis Nyback to a new location for preservation. Nyback, a notable film archivist who passed away in 2022, left behind a vast trove of films scattered across various locations, many of which were unlabeled. In collaboration with Nyback's sister and fellow film enthusiasts, the films were gathered for archiving, leading to plans for public screenings in 2024. Their new home is now the basement of a Southeast Portland community center, linked to NW Documentary.
"When Dennis Nyback... passed away in 2022 at the age of 69, he left behind a trove of thousands of the mostly 16mm films he had collected over the preceding decades."
"There was no way to tell how many there were or what they contained, especially considering that many of their cannisters were either unlabeled or incorrectly identified."
"Following that February weekend's move, the Nyback Archive resides in the basement of a Southeast Portland community center, in a space adjacent to the headquarters of the nonprofit NW Documentary."
"This group... managed over the next 36 hours to transport several tons of celluloid from those units to a new, more permanent home."