19 Things That - Alarmingly - Vanished From Our Lives In The Last Decade

Clowns, once beloved figures of entertainment for children in America, have seen a marked decline in visibility and acceptance since around 2010. Historically prominent characters like Ronald McDonald and Bozo the Clown have faded from media, advertising, and public events. The negative portrayal of clowns, particularly following horror films like "It" and viral creepy clown sightings, has contributed to this decline. The nostalgia for these figures highlights a cultural shift that has left many feeling bereaved over the loss of this traditional form of entertainment.
There are no more clown characters in TV shows, advertising, movies, parks, etc. You pretty much won't find clowns entertaining children's parties or charities.
Think about how prevalent they were before like 2010. Ronald McDonald was one of the biggest mascots on the planet; Bozo was still incredibly popular.
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