"Since the silver treasure is located exactly where the Vikings buried it in the 9th century, it can give us completely new insight into life and society in the Viking Age," said University of Stavanger archaeologist and project manager Volker Demuth, reflecting on the importance of the find.
"At first I thought it was a question of some twisted copper wires that you can often find in agricultural land, but when I saw that there were several lying next to each other and that they were not copper at all, but silver, I realized that we had found something exciting," said Lygre.
"The excavation shows that there was a large and powerful Viking farm here, consisting of several houses for both people and animals," he said. "We have found remains of soapstone pots, rivets, knife blades and whetstones for sharpening tools. Here they have had full control of the entry into what is today Årdal."
Demuth emphasized how rare it is to find Viking objects exactly where they were buried, noting the potential historical insights this particular discovery could provide about societal structures during the Viking Age.