Relics of St. Thomas Aquinas come to Washington D.C. -

"In a time of renewed interest in the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, the jubilees of his canonization (700 years in 2023), death (750 years in 2024), and birth (800 years in 2025) draw our attention to the masterwork of wisdom and sanctity which God wrought in him," said Fr. Gregory Pine, OP. "The opportunity that we have to receive and venerate his relics makes this grace all the more proximate and precious to us."
Among the relics is the skull of St. Thomas Aquinas, enshrined in a new reliquary at the Dominican Convent of Toulouse in 2023 to mark the 700th anniversary of his canonization. This extraordinary relic will be brought to Washington, providing an exceptional moment for reflection and prayer in the saint's presence." said Fr. James Brent, OP. "One way is to study, another way is to pray for it, but an exceptional way is to pray for it in the presence of the skull of St. Thomas Aquinas."
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