New Medieval Books: The Romance of Mont St. Michel -

The Romance of Mont St. Michel, authored by Guillaume de St. Paier in the twelfth century, chronicles the history of the iconic abbey through verse. This translation by Thomas E. Vesce is notable as it brings previously obscure narratives of miracles and traditions to a contemporary audience. The text is divided into three books, wherein Book One offers a novel-like, engaging read, while the subsequent books delve into repetitive narratives and miraculous accounts. Suitable for visitors to the abbey and those studying medieval history, the book serves both scholarly and entertainment purposes.
In the mid-twelfth century, Guillaume de St. Paier decided to write a history of the famous abbey of Mont St. Michel in verse.
This book offers the first complete translation of this text which relates the miracles and legends associated with this monastery.
Of the three books, Book One reads like the average novel; Book Two is terribly repetitive; and Book Three offers a litany of miracles.
This short book (39 pages) is independently published - it makes for a fun read for those visiting the island-abbey, and it will be useful for those studying medieval monasticism.
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