Joseph St. John's book explores the intersections between the Book of Genesis and early medieval literature, focusing on three texts: Genesis A, Genesis B, and Beowulf. While the Genesis poems elaborate on the myths from Genesis extensively, Beowulf's references to these biblical tales are more succinct. Nevertheless, their presence influences the broader narrative structure. This work aims to illuminate the adaptations of Genesis themes within Old English literature and the implications for understanding the spread of Christianity in early medieval England.
This book deals primarily with Old English narrative poems Genesis A, Genesis B, and Beowulf, which draw upon tales from the Old Testament Book of Genesis.
Even if the references or allusions to biblical myth in Beowulf are brief, they are important in the framework of the broader narrative.
The early biblical stories played a significant role in shaping medieval literature, and this book explores how they permeate English literary tradition.
I thought that there was more to be said about how the OE poetic tradition adapted Genesis themes and its implications for Christian origins.