New Medieval Books: Early English Queens, 850-1000 -

"Throughout the period 850-1000, the role of queen gradually expanded beyond merely being the king's consort, to something akin to an 'office' with its own responsibilities, revenues, and prerogatives."
"While potestas reginae - the authority of the queen - was defined by her relationship to the king, it did not mean that king was her husband. The attainment of queenship may have been predicated on marriage, but it had its own life cycle."
"Many queens had long after-lives in Anglo-Norman histories, chronicles, and hagiographies, their varied reputations informed by regional tradition, political concerns, and ecclesiastical anxieties."
"The exploration of individual royal women's legacies shows that the societal attitudes toward female power continued to evolve, with persistent narratives that reflect their influence and authority."
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