GOP rep calls on U of Michigan to end Chinese partnership

In a recently published report, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party ... identified significant risks to the integrity of the U.S. academic research enterprise emanating from the [People's Republic of China], and documented numerous cases in which PRC defense-affiliated institutions leveraged the expertise and capabilities of American researchers-often developed with federal research funding-to enable the PRC to achieve significant technological advancements in critical and emerging technologies with defense applications.
Given these concerning developments, I strongly encourage you to shutter the partnership between U-M and Shanghai Jiao Tong and take the necessary steps to safeguard the integrity of federally funded research at U-M and carefully vet international students studying on U-M's Campus.
All five ... were charged last month with conspiracy, making false statements and destroying records in a federal countersurveillance investigation, according to an FBI complaint.
A Michigan Republican has called on the University of Michigan to break ties with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a Chinese institution, alleging potential risks to research integrity and ties to the Chinese military.
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