14 Unexpected Signs Of Seasonal Allergies That Aren't Sneezes Or Sniffles

"Some individuals might also develop itching and rashes after direct contact with an allergen," Wendt said. "This is often seen in the summer when kids are playing outside in the grass and develop raised, itchy rashes after spending time outside."
"One such mannerism is what I call the allergic salute," Eitches said. "This is when someone tries to relieve their allergies by pushing up on the tip of their nose with the heel of their hand. You'll often see someone use their index finger to push on their ear."
Your mouth or tongue gets itchy while eating a certain food, but that doesn't mean you are allergic to that food. It could mean that the food cross-reacts with another allergen, Eitches said...
"This inflammation, combined with the fatigue from poor sleep and changes in the weather that bring on allergy season can lead to frequent joint pain," Wendt explained.
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