Growing up in Houston during the 70s and 80s, the author felt isolated in their artistic pursuits due to a predominant culture focused on football and church. Discovering the city’s art resources, like the Menil Collection and the Contemporary Arts Museum, shaped their appreciation for art. The author credits early inspirations from film, TV, and literature while pursuing their art education. Ultimately, the lack of support in Houston fostered independence, prompting a move to New York City to further their artistic career.
The lack of a supportive art community in 1970s and 80s Houston forced me to pave my own artistic path, eventually leading me to NYC.
While growing up in Houston, I relied predominantly on movies and books for artistic inspiration, shaping my journey into comics and film.
My experience with the Menil Collection, surrounded by artists like Francis Bacon, was profound and pivotal to my development as an artist.
Finding my passion for art in Houston was challenging, yet it uniquely equipped me to navigate the art world on my own terms.