Aoki states, 'I must have turned away hundreds of scientists and saw them taking to PowerPoint to create content that, sadly, didn't do justice to these really important scientific was actually being stalled by a lack of tools and understanding of science communication.' This insight underlines the pressing need for effective science communication tools.
Aoki highlights the emergence of platforms like BioRender, stating, 'For one thing, there's BioRender, a web-based app that Aoki co-founded in 2017... bioinformatics not only simplifies the design process but also empowers scientists to create professional-quality visuals that truly reflect their research.' This marks a significant advancement in data visualization.
Nature highlights, 'graphic designers, scientific and medical illustrators, and journal art directors...glean tips and resources for creating polished visuals,' showcasing a collective effort to enhance the visual communication of scientific findings.
Researchers are increasingly demanding resources, as noted in the article: 'bioinformatics not only simplifies the design process...scientists remain hungry for tools to help them depict and share their work.' This shows a trend toward greater emphasis on effective visual storytelling in science.