Iconic anime studio Kyoto Animation is back with its first brand new show in six years, and it's a follow-up to one of its most joyful series

Kyoto Animation announced a new series titled "City" from Keiichi Arawi, marking its return to original content after the 2019 arson attack. The series focuses on university students and their daily surreal experiences.
The teaser trailer for City sets a fun tone, emphasizing the town's unique blend of laughter, love, and emotional moments in a slice-of-life narrative.
Directed by Taichi Ishidate, known for various Kyoto Animation projects, City showcases a talented voice cast including Mikako Komatsu, Aki Toyosaki, and Yui Ishikawa.
The series is anticipated for a release in 2025, promising to deliver exciting content reminiscent of the beloved Nichijou.
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