15 Tips for Awestriking Black and White Landscape Photography

Black and white landscape photography is beautiful, timeless, and - when done well - incredibly moving. But how can you capture stunning B&W landscapes? How can you find the right compositions, choose the right camera settings, and do the right post-processing so that you end up with truly breathtaking images?
Black and white landscape photography may not seem gear-specific, and in many ways, it's not - but certain equipment can enhance your experience and the quality of your images. First, your choice of camera matters. Full-frame models often offer superior image quality, but APS-C or Micro Four Thirds models can be great, too. If you're hiking to different locations, a more compact, mirrorless camera might be a good fit. It's lighter, and the electronic viewfinder allows you to "see" in black and white, providing a preview of the final result. Note that most cameras that work well for standard landscape photography also work great for B&W images, so if you already shoot landscapes in color, you probably don't need to buy another camera! Your choice of lens is equally important. You want landscape photography lenses that cover a range of focal lengths, such as wide-angle for sweeping scenics and telephoto for capturing tighter details. A sturdy landscape tripod is another essential piece of equipment, especially if you're shooting long exposures or in low-light conditions where stability is key.
Read at Digital Photography School