In 2009, the Sacramento Kings infamously passed on Steph Curry during the NBA Draft, choosing Tyreke Evans instead. This decision stemmed from a combination of factors, including concerns about Curry's size and an overestimation of Evans' potential. The Kings' focus on Evans not only meant overlooking Curry's future greatness but also reflected broader issues of draft evaluations. Fifteen years later, the ramifications of this choice were still apparent as Curry continued to break records, highlighting the Kings' enduring regret in missing out on a franchise-changing talent.
The Sacramento Kings were one of five teams that passed on Steph Curry in the 2009 draft, leading to a long-standing regret in the franchise.
The Kings' choice of Tyreke Evans over Curry in 2009 amid concerns about Curry's size underscores pivotal moments in NBA history and team decision-making.