Gregor Gysi, a significant figure in German politics since reunification, was given the honor to open the first session of the new Bundestag. Having been a member for over 31 years, he rose to prominence during the GDR's peaceful revolution. Gysi not only revived the disintegrating SED party, transforming it into the PDS, but also navigated accusations regarding his past. His long career is marked by challenges and the evolution of political respect from being initially hated to eventually being recognized for his contributions.
When I joined the Bundestag in 1990, I was not respected, but hated by some. I believe that a majority in the Bundestag at least recognizes my political work.
He pulled the SED back from the precipice, signaling a new beginning for a democratic era as the party rebranded to the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS).
The party won 16% of the vote in the 1990 election to the Volkskammer, demonstrating the shift in political dynamics post-reunification.