EXPLAINED: Could the far-right AfD ever take power in Germany?

"Over half of Germans now say they'd vote for conservative parties whether for the centre-right CDU, the far-right AfD, or the FDP which can often have a more conservative bent on some issues, such as immigration or the national budget."
"However, all major German parties other than the AfD have an explicitly stated policy of not working with the AfD to form governments. Even if the centre-right CDU competes with the AfD for certain right-wing voters, it also maintains a policy of not negotiating with the far-right party to form governments. A policy like this is sometimes called the cordon sanitaire using the French term for sanitary cordon. In German, it's termed the Brandmauer, or firewall. As long as it's in place, the AfD will be kept out of government in Germany as no other parties will agree to work with them, with those other pa"
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