The films 'All Quiet on the Western Front' and 'Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy Assassin' highlight the perils of blind nationalism prevalent in earlier 20th-century history. While the former, based on Remarque's experiences in World War I, thrived in its anti-war sentiment, the latter has faced criticism for misrepresenting Bonhoeffer as an active assassin in a plot against Hitler. This misrepresentation contradicts Bonhoeffer's beliefs, as he was inherently opposed to nationalism—an attitude influenced by his theological education and experiences in both Europe and America, leading to unique perspectives on church and community.
Bonhoeffer was opposed to any form of nationalism, emphasizing the importance of individual faith over blind patriotism, which deeply influenced his theological perspectives.
The 2024 film on Bonhoeffer has been critiqued for inaccuracies, particularly in depicting him as an assassin, despite his actual role in the conspiracy against Hitler.