Millions of NFL fans: How Germany fell in love with American football

They were heading to Eintracht Frankfurt's Deutsche Bank Park for a coveted seat at the second of the National Football League's (NFL) Frankfurt Games series.
Daniel Pflaum, 29, from Munich, is a New York Giants fan but was supporting the New England Patriots. 'I love to see the NFL,' he said. 'I also went to some college games in the US. It's amazing how it's turned out, that they (the NFL) came here to Germany. Usually there's no chance that the NFL would come here.'
American fans remarked that the atmosphere was livelier than NFL games in the States. Martinez said he was surprised to see how packed the stadium was. 'For a regular season game it was fuller than normal,' he said. 'Most stadiums are 70 percent full unless it's a big rivalry. To see a full stadium full of energy, it makes it feel like you're in the US.'
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