This article outlines the three main forms of 'you' in German: du, ihr, and Sie. It emphasizes their appropriate contexts, highlighting that using the wrong form can lead to awkwardness or disrespect. Du is used informally with friends and family, ihr is for addressing groups informally, and Sie serves as the formal address for individuals and groups in professional settings. Additional tips include defaulting to Sie when uncertain and waiting for permission to switch to du, especially in professional environments.
Getting to grips with German grammar is not easy-which is why we run this series offering tips and tricks for German learners.
German has three common ways to say 'you': du, ihr, and Sie. Each one has its social context, and using the wrong one can feel awkward-or even disrespectful.
When in doubt, use Sie. It's the polite default in Austria and Germany, especially with people you don't know.
Let others offer the du. In a work setting, your manager or older colleague may offer to switch to du.