Try these hybrid tools for thinking on paper

The article discusses the benefits of using the reMarkable Paper Pro, a digital paper tablet designed for writing and reading without distractions. It highlights its paper-like feel, making note-taking enjoyable while ensuring that notes are easily searchable and editable across devices. Key features include customizable stylus options, backup/sync capabilities, distraction-free use, and easy import of articles. The author shares their preference for this hybrid device for organized note-taking, especially for users who are easily distracted by multifunctional digital devices.
I like thinking on paper. That's why I've got a box under my desk with 27 old idea notebooks. But when I'm looking for a specific note scrawled early in 2020, digital notes are helpfully searchable.
Choose this if . . . You like the feel of paper but prefer having a single, organized device to piles of paper notebooks. It's great if you're easily distracted by multi-purpose devices (that's me) or if you spend a lot of time taking notes by hand and want a luxurious, minimalist device.
The reMarkable Paper Pro is designed for writing and reading, not Web surfing, games or social apps. In touch and sound it's closer to paper than any digital device I've used.
Backup and sync. See any of your notes later on your phone, tablet, or laptop app as editable PDFs. During an online meeting you can even use the paper tablet as a whiteboard to screenshare live notes or diagrams.
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