33 Practical Things You'll Use So Much In 2025, They'll Basically Pay For Themselves

Mouthwatchers, founded by dentist Ronald Plotka, has developed a manual flossing toothbrush equipped with specialized bristles for cleaning between teeth. This innovative design effectively removes stubborn food particles like popcorn and sesame seeds. Reviewers praise its performance, particularly stating that it provides a deeper clean than traditional toothbrushes or even sonic varieties. BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord highlights the impact of these toothbrushes in tackling yellow stains, while users express satisfaction noting a long-lasting clean sensation akin to a dental visit. Priced at $9.90 for a pack of two, it offers an accessible solution for superior oral hygiene.
A manual flossing toothbrush with special bristles designed to clean between teeth, especially effective in removing food particles like popcorn and sesame seeds.
Mouthwatchers specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes that provide a deeper clean, offering an alternative to traditional brushing and flossing.
BuzzFeed Shopping writer Emma Lord emphasizes the superior cleaning effectiveness of the toothbrush, especially for tough stains.
Positive reviews highlight that users feel a dentist-like clean, suggesting this toothbrush outperforms even sonic brushes.
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