Wednesday briefing: Why Emmanuel Macron doesn't want Lucie Castets as France's prime minister

Emmanuel Macron, the president, started a new round of consultations on who he will appoint after rejecting the left's candidate Lucie Castets, whose politics are significantly out of line with the more centrist-leaning coalition that he would like to see take charge.
The Greens' leader, Marine Tondelier, said yesterday that the NFP would reject any government that is not on the left. How is it possible that we have reached such denial of democracy? she asked. We are in the process of having this election stolen from us.
France is not used to such political paralysis and it is far from clear what the way out will be. Kim Willsher, who reports for the Guardian from Paris, discussed the chaotic situation entirely of Macron's own making.
It is evident that the leftwing parties forming the NFP are refusing to participate in any government not aligned with their ideology, indicating a significant rift in national unity.
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