We all need to fight': Thuram raises France alarm over political turmoil

No. Not doing that. We all need to fight daily so that this doesn't happen and that the National Rally does not succeed, was the key note of Thuram's sustained and detailed response, speaking from the heart, but above all with cold hard clarity, stating that it is not just a right but a duty to vote.
But then, this is a footballer who is named after Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican politician, union leader and, frankly, public firebrand. Not backing down, not being quiet, not letting it slide. This is the Marcus Garvey way.
Thuram's father Lilian, who has his own history with the RN's founding Le Pen family, having famously spoken out in 2006 against JeanMarie, father of current guiding spirit Marine, picking apart the basic failures of logic in RN's notion of what it is to be French.
Read at www.theguardian.com