People feel the election has been stolen' French left's Lucie Castets on Macron's political deadlock

In her first formal interview with a non-French paper, Lucie Castets stated, 'I’m not waiting, I’m working. I’m talking to a lot of people not just from the NFP but from the centre trying to understand what they need, what their red lines and goals are and what we can agree on.' She emphasized the importance of collaboration across political factions to achieve results that reflect a broader consensus, showcasing the necessity of dialogue in a fragmented political landscape.
Castets remarked, 'He accuses us of wanting to keep the whole programme and only the whole programme, but if we are in government, we will present a law—say to repeal the pension changes—and MPs will vote on it.' This illustrates her belief in the legislative process as a means to facilitate compromises, ensuring that not all of their agenda will be executed, but enough to make substantive changes while acknowledging the need for collaboration.
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