The article draws a parallel between Columbo, a fictional detective known for his cleverness and unkempt appearance, and French Prime Minister Bayrou, who navigated political challenges with a similar non-traditional style. Bayrou faced initial struggles, including muddled speeches and a disheveled appearance but ultimately managed to unblock a five-month parliamentary stalemate. Unlike his predecessor Barnier, who faltered by allying with the Far Right, Bayrou brokered a deal with the Socialists, balancing concessions and controversial remarks while securing a critical 2025 budget amid rising tensions in French politics.
Bayrou will triumph where his predecessor, the stiff and courtly Michel Barnier, failed. He will resolve a budgetary and political crisis which appeared to have no solution.
In his first speech to the National Assembly last month, Bayrou lost his way in his notes. He looked as though he had just woken up after going to bed in his second-best suit.
Longevity is another quality that he shares with France's 73-year-old Prime Minister...Columbo looked rumpled and appeared to make mistakes. He was craftier than he seemed.
Bayrou made a deal with the Socialists. Then he annoyed them by making remarks about immigration which they said might have been spoken by the Far Right.